Watch out Daves Comics, the big boys are back in town. That’s right, Forbidden Planet the nationwide retailer of all things sci-fi, fantasy and horror is opening a shop on west street, where the furniture shop used to be.
The stores specialise in in graphic novels, comics, books, manga, toys and games and they claim it will have “more than 35,000 products sourced from around the globe”. They are opening on the 11th March and promise cosplayers, goodie bags (for first 300 guests), prize draws and special offers.
What with Marvel films, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, sci-fi and fantasy has never been so popular. Graphic novels have made comics a much more acceptable thing to read and I suspect there will be more Funko Pops than you can shake a stick at in there.
Apparently there are two (slightly) related chains of store with Forbidden Planet in their name. This is Forbidden Planet International, an off shoot of the original chain. Back in the 90s the original Forbidden Planet did open a shop in Jubilee Street opposite the Komedia. That was incredibly small and didn’t last that long.
Do you remember the original or will you be queueing outside? Let us know.