It is only really when I discovered this festival that it dawned on me that “Mardi Gras” actually just means “Fat Tuesday”. Makes the Rio carnivals look a bit common now but also makes Hastings sound a bit more fun. Alright, it is not techhnically in Brighton but Hastings is just down the road and is worth a visit any day. It is a bit like Brighton used to be 20 years sgo.
Fat Tuesday is like a Great Escape festival for Hastings bands. It runs over a week and ranges from bands in pubs to shows at the local White Rock theatre. During the week there are a couple of shows and a day of music biz discussions
On the Saturday you have the “UNPLUGGED SATURDAY”. This is a whole day where 60 artists and bands from across all genres play 15-minute sets each. It is essentially a good excuse for a pubcrawl and a good way to see lots of local talent.
This leads up to sunday when the grand umbrella parade takes place. This is a bit like the burning of the clocks but in the daytime and a bit more colourful.

Photos Fat Tuesday