Back in the day there was a chap called Terry Garoghan. He was a local radio presenter/performer who carved out a name for himself with Brighton the Musical. Humorous songs about Brighton done in the style of contemporary pop hits. He managed to turn into a (brief) career what these days would be a short lived viral challenge. He played the Dome and everything.
Western Road Requiem
Bizness Man In Whitehawk
I thought it was time we bought it back up to date, so here are some suggetions for new songs.
We Found Love (in the Hove Place) in the style of Rihanna. Just when you think the night can’t get any worse, something magical happens. Nice beer garden though.
Kemp Town Road in the style of Lil Nas X. If you are going to see blokes in cowboy hats and leather chaps anywhere in Brighton then St James Street is probably your best bet.
Take me to Churchill Square in the style of Hozier. It is sunday morning and we must all go and worship at the altar of consumerism.
Sound of Shoreham in the style of Simon & Garfunkel. Is Brighton a bit too loud for you? Then move to Shoreham.
Strait to Hangletonin the style of the Clash. Nuff said.
Pier on Fire in the style of the Kings of Leon. Nope, definitely not an insurance job.
Hospital on the Hill in the style of Ed Sheerin. You strain your back carrying ann
Sweet Caroline (Lucas) in the style of the Neil Diamond. We should make this her official theme tune and sing it whenever we see her around town. She would love that.
Go West (Hill) in the style of Pet Shop Boys. Life is peaceful there.
Big Lemon Bus in the style of the Joni Mitchell. A new eco anthem for the generations.
Just Like a Woman (in Kemptown) in the style of the Bob Dylan. Erm … yes.
Can you think of any suitable lyrics? Have I missed any obvious songs?
*Not really