Every year there is a Lost Species Day, which is a “remembrance day” for all the species that have been lost in the world. ONCA Gallery is holding a special program of events this year to commemorate it. It runs from the 15th of November to the 10th of December.
The gallery is hosting a series of exhibitions, films, and workshops to highlight the plight of the endangered species. Expect a healthy dose of Middle East conflict as well this year.
One of the main events is a screening of the film “Can I Live?” by Fehinti Balogun.
Can I Live? is a vital new digital performance about the climate catastrophe in which Fehinti shares his personal journey into the biggest challenge of our times. Weaving his story with spoken word, rap, theatre, animation and the scientific facts, Fehinti charts a course through the fundamental issues underpinning the emergency, identifying the intimate relationship between the environmental crisis and the global struggle for social justice, and sharing how, as a young Black British man, he has found his place in the climate movement.