Bah humbug. That is what Brighton generally says to pantomime this time of year. While the nearest thing the Theatre Royal is showing is a Christmas-themed Horrible Histories spin-off, there are pantomimes to be found. You just have to know where to look. Here is a roundup of the Brighton pantomimes in 2023.
Brighton Pantomimes
To begin with there is Cinderella at the Metropole Hotel from the 20th to the 30th of December. It is directed by Dave Hill and is the 4th Christmas show he has done. A percentage of the sales goes to the Focus Foundation charity. Note that Thursday the 28th is a special “adults only” show, so expect a bit more sauce.
Of course, if that tickles your fancy then there is always Brighton’s alternative panto, Cinderella: Remixed. This runs between the 24th Jan and the 28th Jan at Ironworks Studios.
Sussex Pantomimes
Shoreham has Jack and the Beanstalk at the Ropetackle from the 15th to the 30th of December. It is produced by LP Creatives who have put on the panto for the last eleven years.
Treasure Island is on at the Barn in Southwick from the 14th to the 16th of December.
Worthing has Sleeping Beauty from the first of December to the first of January. Most of the cast have appeared in some TV talent show recently but keep an eye out for Katie Pritchard who stole the show last year. In fact, every other show in Worthing in December seems to be a Christmas one.
In Eastbourne, they have Beauty & the Beast at the Devonshire Park Theatre from the 8th Dec 2023 to the 14th of It looks like a fairly traditional one from the pictures and reviews. Meanwhile, at the Royal Hippodrome Theatre, they have Snow White from the 15th of December to the 2nd of January. this also has a grown-up show on the 19th of December.
Who knew Peacehaven even had a theatre? Well, they do and are putting on Alice in Pantoland at the start of December.
The Woodingdean Players are putting on Jack and the Bean that Talks. That is on the 16th and 17th of December and one show is sold out already.
Similarly, the Hurst Players in Hurstpierpoint are doing Red Riding Hood over the new year.
What do you know, there is even one in Lewes. Robin Hood is on at St Marys, home of traditional family pantomime in Lewes. It runs from 13th to 20th January.
Finally, I could mention Elf at the Brighton Centre, but I won’t.